Thursday, March 26, 2009

Skiing on Crystal Mountain

We went skiing as a family on Friday the 13th (I know that sounds a little ominous). We went with Tom and Carma and their 3 year old and a six year old. Honestly, I was dragging my feet a little because I thought it would be lame hanging out at the lodge with Hunter and Lily. When we got there though, we found out the lift ticket for 6 and under is free and ski rental is only $15. So I figured, what the heck. Let’s try Hunter out. I really had no hope that he would like it since he absolutely hated roller skating, but figured we’d only be out $15. Turns out he loved it. Alex and he tagged along with a little beginner class and they practiced gliding on this cute little obstacle course. Then our friends got him to go up the ski lift (amazing) and ski down the bunny slope. He loved it and kept asking to go again. I think we’ve created a monster. Next year when he turns 7, he’ll cost quite a bit more. I ended up being stuck in the lodge with Lily. She flirted with everyone, ate, and took a nap. I probably should have gotten a sitter for her, so I could ski. Oh well, next time. Megan and Dylan had a blast. Both ventured off the bunny slope onto the next level and loved it. Alex, however, hit a black (difficult) run for his first time down and ended up really sore the rest of the day. He got on the wrong lift and there is only one way down once you get up.
Hunter and Ella playing in the snow.
Hunter with his "ski instructor," Tom.
Hunter getting ready to ride the lift with Carma. He said that was his favorite part.
Megan and Dylan.
Carma and Hunter. She and Tom were so nice to take him down the hill 5 times!!!
Hunter looking all studly.
Alex right before he went over the ridge. Yikes! Mt Rainier in the background.
Lily in her bunny suit.
Hunter showing off his lift pass.

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