Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Portraits of Lily in her Blessing Dress

We bought this dress in Portugal when I was pregnant with Megan and we knew she was going to be a girl. Lily looks so much like Megan did at this age. She was really alert for her photos. The photographer said she had never gotten a 2-month old to smile like her before.

This is Lily in the dress I was blessed in. Grandma Wallace made it for me. She sewed all the seams by hand. For more pictures of our photoshoot, go to and under name enter, Jennifer Wright.


Beth 'n Chris said...

Howdy! Thanks so much for including your blog address!!! I knew there had to be others in this family sharing thoughts & photos.

Your daughter(s) are so beautiful. Their dress is beyond words elegant. Cool, even. The party was awesome - I've told everyone about the soup collection. Well, golly, maybe I could say something bad? No.

We'll keep up with you and see you down the road.

btw, nicki's blog is:
she has a great collection of young mothers' musings in her links.

Isabel said...

Os vossos filhos são lindos.
Parabéns e abraços da familia Castro