Monday, November 24, 2008

What I'm Thankful for

With the economy getting scary and the world around us falling to pieces, I've been thinking a lot about what I'm grateful for at this time of the year. Here is what I've come up with:

1. I'm grateful for a husband who loves me and puts me and our children before his career. He was willing to give up working for his dream company in California to come up here to a place where he has to commute two hours a day just so that I wouldn't have to work and could stay home with the kids. He comes home exhausted from work sometimes and jumps in to do the dishes without being asked or complaining. He loves spending time with the kids and teaching them new things. He has made a huge effort to have a regular date night with me. I am grateful that he loves the Lord and tries his hardest in his calling at church and in leading our family spiritually. Plus he makes me laugh.

2. I'm grateful for awesome kids. They wear me out sometimes, but they are constantly teaching me things (and not just patience). They say the most profound things sometimes. I am grateful to be able to stay home with them and drive them to lessons and watch the wonderful young people they are growing into.

3. I'm grateful for where we live. I wasn't sure I would like Seattle with all the rain, but I have to say after two years here, I really love it. I don't even mind the rain. I don't think I could go back to the desert after living here. The rain makes everything so beautiful and gives us an awesome garden. I love the breathtaking views from everywhere and the constant reminder of the majesty of God. I love being within 20 miles of lots of museums, parks, beaches and shopping centers. I love living in a hamlet of 6,000 people right in the middle of a huge metropolis. I love having my kids in a small school district with very few discipline problems and where everyone knows each other. I love their friends that are members of our church and members of other churches. I love that there are so many things for them to be involved in with good friends--soccer, ballroom dance, scouts, etc. I'm grateful for the neighborhood and the friends I've made in the preschool co-op. I love the ward (church) here and being a part of it. I love playing the cello in church events.

4. Most of all, I am grateful for the Savior and his atonement, for his life and his teachings. I know I don't always follow them that well, but I am so grateful that He lived and is willing to forgive me of my shortcomings. I'm grateful he made it possible to return to our Father in Heaven and to be with my family forever.


Krista said...

What a great "thankful" post! Thanks for sharing.

Sonya said...

Wow Jennifer - that was beautiful! Definetly a post to cherish. I'm with you on the desert thing; there is alot I like about Arizona, but I would love to live in the northwest.

Cindy said...

How wonderful! It all looks so wonderful, including the place you live! And I can't believe how big Hunter is now!