Sunday, December 21, 2008

Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!

Well, we are going on day 8 of the great Seattle Snow-Out. Days 1-3 were fun... We've missed Church for the 2nd week in a row. The kids had 2 hour delays on Monday and Tuesday and school was canceled for the rest of the week. We've got at least 8 inches on the ground. This is incredible. If I wanted weather like this, I'd have moved to Cleveland (sorry, Mike and Diana. Enjoy the sun now.) The only problem is that this is so rare here, that they aren't very adept at handling it, so the roads are treacherous. As you can see below, the road leading to our house is at least 200 feet tall. Not gonna happen. (Luckily there is a back route.) Alex has been home from work for 2 days. Luckily, my Christmas shopping is all done and we can hunker down for the spell. It looks like more snow the rest of the week. Enjoy the pictures of our adventures in the snow:

the trampoline, the swingset, and Alex sledding.

a makeshift baby sled and the baby enjoying it, Dylan enjoying his early Christmas present from Megan.

Megan pulling Lily in her "sled", We even got Hunter out to enjoy it. Note the glove on his cast.

Hunter attempting a run down the hill. Alex showing him how.

Have you ever seen this much snow on a palm tree????

Alex shoveling the walk. Megan set up our lights in the snow. Thanks Meg.

Hunter's reaction to the snow. Lily's reaction to the snow after about 20 min.


Rebecca Boren said...

I was looking forward to seeing you all soon. But, the snow .... I don't see a visit until the snow is gone. You look like you are having fun, though.

THE CONKS said...

Looks like your week was just like ours. Except my shopping is not done yet:)

Bob and Julie said...

We're hunkering with you. Ours has been dragging out for 1 week now...argh!!! How long have you guys been stuck with the Arctic Blast??

Bob and Julie said...

Oh..duh...first line says 8 days! ha!! See, I've been in the house WAY to long...going loopy :)

Cindy said...

Looks like so much fun! Like the ice storm, but with power! We had a little bit of snow last winter, but none for the two winters before that, so we're all dying for some good sledding...